Thursday, August 13, 2009


so sorry that it's been a few days.. I know you've missed me :) I've been busy. well, not so much busy, just not home. I've been helping my Memaw for a few days with the lady she's been taking care of. then I had to babysit the guy putting down new floor in her bathroom. then I had to get fillings at the dentist yesterday. I don't so much like getting fillings. well, the whole process is not so bad. but after the filling is the part I don't like. the whole right side of my face (and tongue) was numb until about 9:00 last night! and today my jaw has been pretty sore! but, I guess it's better than having a root canal. so I'll take it.
now I'm watching House. I just love that show. It's pretty good. And I can watch the episodes over and over and find something new each time because there's so much that goes on. yeah.
yesterday was Jonathan's birthday! (Happy Birthday to him) we celebrated with cookie cake and ice cream last night at Jamie's house. and we ordered pizza from pizza hut. now, pizza hut is not my favorite..I'd rather have dominoes... but I have discovered that those new pizza roll-up thingys they have are delicious! It's like pizza crust rolled up with pepperoni and cheese in the middle (no sauce-I don't like the sauce anyway) and you dip them in ranch (well, I dip them in ranch. you can choose marinara though) and they are yummy! I love them :)
So, I guess you've read enough for now. maybe next time I'll give you a list of my least favorite things. something to look forward to :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things....

I have taken inspiration from my bff (and other blogs she took inspiration from) and decide to start a list of my favorite things. I know you can't wait to here goes (in no particular order)!

1. my DVR
this has got to be one of my most favorite purchases ever! I love being able to record anything on tv and watch it later. I never have to watch commercials! All we watch these days are shows that we've recorded. like Matlock, NCIS, House, Hannah Montana, The Wizards of Waverly Place, Lifetime movies, Secret Life, The Bachelorette, Sewing With Nancy, etc... which leads me to #2..

2. the Disney channel
I used to watch it all the time when I was growing up. And, recently, I have found a new love for it! I'm addicted to Hannah Montana and The Wizards of Waverly Place. ps- can't wait for the new Wizards movie at the end of the month!!

3. Facebook
I spend wayyy too much time on there. I'll admit it. And I'll also admit that I like to keep track of people on me a stalker if you will.. I don't care :) And I also love Farm Town!!

4. a good book
I've had lots of favorites over the years. I tend to go for Christian fiction. I love to find a good author that brings you into the story like you're right there. Lori Wick is one of my favorites. I also loved the Mitford series by Jan Karon. And Ted Dekker writes some pretty creepy fiction that really makes you think, if you like that kind of thing. I do also read non-Christian books sometimes. Last summer I read the Twilight books, and the Host (by the same author). I enjoyed reading them...but they wern't the best things I'd ever read... but that's enough about that.

5. cooking supper
I may put on like I don't like it..but once I get motivated to cook I really enjoy it. I tend to create new things alot by throwing in a dash of this and a little of that. It usually comes out alright. :) and baking is ok too.

6. spider solitaire
I can spend hours playing..literally. Whoever invented it was pretty cool.

7. Wal-Mart
You can buy anything there!! And I can, and will, spend lots of money and time in the store. I just love that you can buy clothes, dog food, tvs, groceries, and camping supplies all in the same place.

8. my puppy dog Annie
She's so precious! I found her on the playground at school last year and rescued her. She was so pitiful and dirty. But she's fattened up and she fits right in here. Sometimes I wonder what I did before I had her. I have no idea how old she is or what breed she is, but she's just so durn cute! She has an under-bite and a mowhawk. :) I'll put a picture on here sometime..

9. sleeping late
well, not too late. but I really really don't like to wake up early :)

10. getting mail
the real mail. not junk, and bills. I love to open the mailbox and see an envelope that's been hand written. it makes me happy :) me and Jamie like to send random cards back and forth to each other. they are hilarious!!

so, that's enough for now. but don't worry...I'll post more favorite things later.
goodnight :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

fun time :)

welcome back! for today I thought I would leave you with one of my favorite things to do.... fill out surveys!!! yay! enjoy....

Don't tell me lies, so where's your guy?
at his computer. playing some game

Is anything bothering you?
I worry about money alot

What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
I need to go to sleep!

Is anyone else in the room with you?
Jonathan. and Annie

How do you feel right now?
alright I guess. just took a nap so I'm doing pretty good

Does anyone call you baby?
not usually

Would you ever get a tattoo?
I would probably. Jonathan, and probably my Papaw, would kill me though

What are you most anxious/ excited for right now?
ahh, nothing so much right now

What is your favorite drink?
sweet tea

What was the first thing you thought of this morning?
time to get up already??

Are you satisfied with what you currently have in life?
I try to be :) I'm working on not being jealous...

What were you doing at 8:00AM?
watching Curious George with Isaac :)

Do you know anyone who has been arrested?
yeah. I suppose so

How do you feel about your hair right now?
in general? I wish it would grow faster. I guess right this minute it looks alright. it looks like it always does..

Have you done something bad today?
of course not

Are you jealous of someone right now?
I already said it..I'm working on not being

Do you have any siblings?
1 brother, Samuel

Do you get distracted easily?
at times yes. sometimes in the middle of a sentence

Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
actually yes

Do you ever keep arguing when you know you're wrong?
I'm never wrong of course ;) but I don't know.. I guess it depends on the situation

What are you listening to?
NCIS on tv. the air conditioner

What are you wearing right now?
shorts and AWANA tshirt

Did you hug or kiss anyone today?
Anna gave me a hug this afternoon

Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
yeah I guess so

Is there a lot of stress in your life?

Do you enjoy late night phone conversations?
not really. I don't like phone conversations so much anyway really

Do you get along more with girls or guys?
either one I guess. I think I have more girl friends though

Do you like taking walks?

Could you go the rest of your life without doing any drugs?
yes. I will

Do you miss anyone in your life?
at times, yes

When is the last time you saw number one on your top friends?
I guess that's Jamie..if so it was Wednesday night. but I'll be seeing her in about an hour

Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
well I'm married to him. most likely yes

Do you have an older brother?
no. younger

Do you get drunk every weekend?

Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Jamie probably

Do you get mad easily?
not outwardly. sometimes I get mad on the inside over little things

Have you ever told someone to their face they were ugly?

Is tomorrow going to be a good day?

How did you get your last bruise?
I ran into the latch on the door of Annie's lot outside and hit my arm

Is there someone who you instantly smile when you receive a message from?
if it's a fun message ;)

Where was your default picture taken?
on the beach at Half Moon Cay, Bahamas :)

What were you doing at 3am this morning?

Is there anything in your past that you'd like to try again?

Do you like being around a large group of friends, or a best friend?
either one's good I guess. I'm usually just with my bff mostly!

Where’s your phone right now?
on the end table by the couch

Is there a night you would like to put on repeat, and live it forever?
not really. I like new nights. and days.

Who was your last missed call from?
a girl I used to teach with

What woke you up this morning?
the alarm clock

You kissed someone last night, didn't you?
just my husband

What are you sick of?
paying bills :/

Are you waiting for anyone to call you?
it would be nice to get a call offering me a job

What was the last thing you drank?
some orange mt. dew stuff

Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed?

Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed?
on the couch

Thursday, August 6, 2009

oh sweet summer...

ok. I told you I'd be back! I don't really have anything all that exciting to talk about yet. so, maybe I'll just tell you what I've been doing here lately. :)
This summer seems to have flown by! I can't believe that it is August already. I haven't really had all that much to do over the summer, but that's the way I like it! We did go on a cruise though! I just love it! this is the 2nd one I've been on it and I think it's the best way to go on vacation. It was for sure the highlight of the summer. maybe I'll put up some pictures sometime. (if not, you can find me on facebook and look at them there!) I have also been looking for a new job this summer. Before school got out in May I learned that I wouldn't be returning in the fall because of alot of budget cutbacks they were making. I didn't really know what to think about it..but looking back I'm kinda glad. I'm taking it as God's sign to me that He was closing this door. But, I know He'll open a new one for me. (If anybody knows where that door is please let me know!) I'm trying not to be discouraged that I don't have a job yet because I know that God has the perfect plan for my life. You can help me pray about this if you want! Other than that we've not had much going on. We had VBS at church, I helped my bff Jamie move to a new house, helped my Memaw clean her house (twice) and played with our litters of kittens. (maybe I'll tell you more about them later too...if you can handle the wait!) Most recently, I have been babysitting this week. We've been having a big time!
But, I guess that's about all I have to say for now. Sorry that it seems like a jumbled mess...that's just how I work :) So, I'm going to get back to watching Matlock and leave you for now! Bye!!

welcome :)

so. welcome to my life! I'm sure you're super pumped to be here... I know I'm super pumped to have you! well, I'm just getting started with all of this so please be patient. I'll get it all figured out and update you with something very important (you can be sure of that) before long. so bye for now!